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"French Vocab an entertaining way to practice your French words as developed." Editor: French Vocab is a fun way to practice your French words developed. The default list of 1,000 French words and phrases built on are included.
You can see above, takes a test. Sixth French translation "and the answer surtout on more than one option from the dropdown menu is shown. We have selected and click" My Answer "button more than one option, click the arrow to display only a mouse (using clicks you can play games) Not only the keyboard or using a Mac (on Down hit - the arrow key, down-arrow key to highlight preferred to use the Enter key to select your choice and press Enter again to enter the answer to hit to hit more than one option for viewing, Windows use Alt-Down - the arrow, down arrow to highlight the preferences of key multiple options to view and Enter / Return key press to enter answer.)
"Test Start" button when you click on a French translation of randomly selected and displayed Maintenance Window List. The difficulty of an English word or phrase from the drop-down menu (click the down arrow to see options to select one) and "My Answer" button. If your answer is correct, then automatically displays a second and subsequent translations will be given five points. If your answer is incorrect, the correct answer will be displayed at some point and will be punished. "Next" button to continue the test. Test the twenty translations. At the end of your test score is compared to scores in the High Scores window. If the score is above zero and the first ten points, name and score is added to the high scores table. You couple, by clicking on the name and retyping the name "key" to change the name by pressing Return. If you decide to clear High Scores, you will be asked to confirm that this was deliberate.
Maintenance window, you can see above. Default list, there are over 1000 French words and phrases. French Vocab 1.2.1 download now free you can do.
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